Rest is deeply healing. However, it seems as though most people rarely actually rest. It's not

surprising that The Fourth of The Ten Commandments is to Honour The Sabbath Day ~ one day a week to just rest. If one did that diligently, that would be 52 restful days in a year; one year of rest for every seven years of one's life.
One man discovered the importance of rest after spending 27 years alone in the woods.
In 1986, a shy and intelligent twenty-year-old named Christopher Knight left his home in Massachusetts, drove to Maine, and disappeared into the forest. He would not have a conversation with another human being until nearly three decades later, when he was arrested for stealing food.
When asked by the author who wrote 'The Stranger In the Woods' what his big take away from the experience was, Mr. Knight replied, "Get enough rest."
I often encourage people to take a Sabbath day once a week to do just that. One day a week to turn off the phone, disconnect from social media, not make any plans, take a break from work, let the mind be still, reflect on how you are spending your time the rest of the week, connect to a higher power, journal...

I had heard once that there are four states of being: sleeping, dreaming, being awake and rest/meditation. It seems as though most experience the first three states but much fewer seem to experience true rest ~ being able to close your eyes, let go of thoughts and allow your mind to be calm; this is a state worth pursuing as much healing and mental clarity happens when we truly rest.
Rest in Peace while you are still alive.